I do not peel and juice raw lemons anymore, I use fresh pressed/squeezed not from concentrate organic Lemon juice from a health food store. It is easier than the work of peeling those lemons and burning my skin and the cost is much less too. Peeling and juicing and dealing with cleaning the juicer is a mental roadblock too, having to deal with that mess will keep some people away from doing the cleanse- who has the time? Remember this is fresh squeezed/pressed organic, not from concentrate- not lemonade, nothing added, nothing but lemons. The jarred product can be stored too so you can buy a bunch in advance. Again useful and you save.
I bought a big big jug of grade B Maple Syrup from an organic farmer's market in the city and divided it into smaller jars and just keep them in the fridge. Again a savings and no need to go to the store and have the sales people start asking about the cleanse and all its "glory" there at the cash register while people are standing there buying food saying "Oh its a scam!". It isn't.
My first time on the cleanse I meant to do just a week and thought it would be hard and then fully into it I realized how great it was, I went 28 days. I only stopped then because my birthday was coming up and I wanted to have fun with friends. I wanted to lose 20 so lost 30 because I knew no matter what you will gain something back from eating food. I have gradually gained back 10 pounds but I have also not been living like a monk. I am happy my target of 20 has stayed off.
I am not that into most food because all it does is fill you up and make you fat and after the initial process of tasting and swallowing it does nothing but then make you tired. I wish once food was in your stomach it did something for you besides make you feel tired and full. The cleanse is a good way to keep "fed" by drinking it like a slim fast program (those are gorss and full of sugar don't do it!) eat a good solid meal a day and drink the cleanse juice the rest of the time.
I don't do the salt water either, the tea doesn't work so I used Swiss Kriss during the cleanse. The Master Cleanse is a great invention, it is not a prefect science so I am not opposed to twaeking it to fit me. I get eye pain on it so I drink protein shakes not made with apple juice- check the ingredients some protein "Vanilla" "Almond" and "Pumpkin" flavors have no apple juice which only ferments and gives you intestinal pain- and the eye pain goes away. The protein drinks keep the meat craving down- useful for vegetarians like me! I also keep taking my vitamins.
I get all the cleansing benefits of the Master Cleanse and it works for me. I do it daily now and it's not a huge time consumer and it makes me feel light and healthy. You'll find the juice can keep you from feeling hungry, what you'll miss the most is not actually putting that food into you but the process, the tasting the chewing the swallowing the physical feeling- you are not starving- so if you can realize all you are missing is a physical feeling then it may help get through it when you are first starting out on it. Later when you do it for everyday life you'll have an easier time knowing you are not hungry you just want to chew something! You can resist that!
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